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#BeActive is a call to action to get people moving! The European Week of Sport aims to promote sport and physical activity across Europe and will take place from 7th-13th September 2015.

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Newcastle Canoe Club

FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS Do you live  near Newcastle? Would you like to try canoeing? Would you like to join a club? Are you over 18 years old? CANI in association with Tollymore National Outdoor Centre,  Greenhill YMCA and Ardnabannon OEC are keen to setup a canoe club in the local area and have decided to run a series of introductory canoeing sessions.

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Enjoy our Countryside, Coast and Parks Responsibly

Enjoy our Countryside, Coast and Parks Responsibly Our last bank holiday of the summer has arrived and as many thousands of people venture into the outdoors to enjoy our beautiful beaches, forests, parks, mountains and lakes around the country, Leave No Trace Ireland is encouraging everyone to enjoy our outdoors responsibly.

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Auction at Tollymore

We will be auctioning a range of kayaks and mountain bikes on Sunday, 6th September 2015 commencing at 1.

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Current situation

As you are probably aware the current advice from the Northern Ireland Executive, Health Promotion Agency NI and Health & Safety Executive NI, as well as our expert group within Sport NI is that we cannot deliver any face to face courses for our customers including use of the Hot Rock Climbing Wall.

We know that you and many others like minded folk are very keen to get back on track with your plans to attend and complete a range of personal skills training and qualifications in a range of disciplines.

Believe us when we say we are equally keen to get outside with you and help you reach your goals and complete that journey.

How do we know? Because every day we get emails and phone calls asking when will courses resume and with every NI Executive mention of easing of restrictions the emails and phone calls are more frequent……