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Climbing for ALL!

Date: Friday, 5 December 2014

Time: 9am-4pm

Where: Tollymore National Outdoor Centre

Cost: £45

About the Training

This course explores processes, techniques and equipment to help people with disabilities engage in climbing-related activities. The course covers some theory around working with people with disabilities, but focuses largely on the practical aspects. Topics covered will include: hoisting systems, side-supported climbing, and wheelchair abseiling.

As most of this course will be outside, please ensure that you bring warm clothing, including hats and gloves, as well as a waterproof jacket. You are also welcome to bring a camera to photograph the technical set-ups.

Who Should Attend?

Activity Providers, Community Group Leaders and Community Organisations

Why Attend?

Outdoor Providers

This course is Mountain Training accredited CPD module for people with climbing-related NGB awards. It is aimed primarily at outdoor instructors who work with, or intend to work with, people with disabilities in a climbing environment.

*A note to holders of CWA or SPA awards: While this is an accredited CPD module, it does not qualify you to deliver these types of activities on your own, without first obtaining site-specific approval from a Technical Advisor.

Other people with an interest in the field

Climbing experience and qualifications are not a pre-requisite to attending this course. People without qualifications or experience are welcome to attend in order to make themselves aware of what activities might suit people they work with. For example, staff from schools for children with disabilities, youth workers, etc.

Contact and Booking Details

To book your place on this course please fill out the Climbing for ALL Booking form and forward by email to or return to Outdoor Recreation NI with full payment of £45, or invoicing details. We will confirm your place on receipt of your form. For more information, please call 028 9030 3930.

For further information click here.


Current situation

As you are probably aware the current advice from the Northern Ireland Executive, Health Promotion Agency NI and Health & Safety Executive NI, as well as our expert group within Sport NI is that we cannot deliver any face to face courses for our customers including use of the Hot Rock Climbing Wall.

We know that you and many others like minded folk are very keen to get back on track with your plans to attend and complete a range of personal skills training and qualifications in a range of disciplines.

Believe us when we say we are equally keen to get outside with you and help you reach your goals and complete that journey.

How do we know? Because every day we get emails and phone calls asking when will courses resume and with every NI Executive mention of easing of restrictions the emails and phone calls are more frequent……