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GCSE Orienteering – Friday 27th February 2015

GCSE Orienteering event will be taking place on Friday, 27th February 2015.

Venue:            Tollymore National Outdoor Centre

Cost:               £8.00 per pupil (inc soup, sandwich and brownie, maps and admin,  etc).  Must be paid before the event or when registering. 


A Orange A approx 3.2km Meets assessment criteria for PE GCSE Orienteering module
B Orange B approx 3.2km Just below assessment criteria for PE GCSE Orienteering module
C Yellow approx 2.5km Suitable for those who considering doing the module, or as a preparation for the event proper next year

Timings:  The Start will be open from 10.00am. Once you have arrived, registered, and your students have been briefed, they can progress to the Start, and take the next available start times.  There will be starts every minute on all courses.  Note that students from the same school will not be allowed to start within 2 minutes of each other on the same course.  However 2 Orange courses, your students should start every minute.  The average time to complete the course should be about 30 minutes and very few should take more than 60 minutes.

Administration:  Once you have arrived at Tollymore it will take about 30 minutes to register, pay the entry fees, collect ‘dibbers’ (electronic punching devices), receive a briefing and walk to the Start.  The registration process will be greatly speeded up if you forward a provisional list of runners by Monday 23rd February and can pay in advance.  All students must bring a completed Parental Consent Form with them.

Lunch and Refreshments:  Lunch will be available from 11.00am. Squash and water will be available throughout the day, as will tea and coffee for teachers and staff.

Results:  All participants will receive a printout showing total time taken, and split times.  It will also show if any controls have been wrongly punched, missed, or punched out of order.  Interim results will be displayed throughout the day in the dining room.  After the event a full list of results will be posted to the Lagan Valley Orienteers web site , and computer performance analysis using Winsplits will be possible at home or school.

Please Tell Us: We would ask teachers to please complete the attached Registration Form and return to Tollymore National Outdoor Centre as soon as possible.  Names are loaded to the event programme in advance so that registration can be done as quickly as possible.  It is easier to delete a name than have to type them in on the day, so please be generous with your estimate of attendance.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us on (028) 4372 2158 or alternatively email us at . We look forward to welcoming you to the centre.


Current situation

As you are probably aware the current advice from the Northern Ireland Executive, Health Promotion Agency NI and Health & Safety Executive NI, as well as our expert group within Sport NI is that we cannot deliver any face to face courses for our customers including use of the Hot Rock Climbing Wall.

We know that you and many others like minded folk are very keen to get back on track with your plans to attend and complete a range of personal skills training and qualifications in a range of disciplines.

Believe us when we say we are equally keen to get outside with you and help you reach your goals and complete that journey.

How do we know? Because every day we get emails and phone calls asking when will courses resume and with every NI Executive mention of easing of restrictions the emails and phone calls are more frequent……